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Curiosite - Hystrix Fish in Square and Magnifire Box

$300.00 Regular Price
$270.00Sale Price
  • Hystrix Fish in Square and Magnifire Box

    When in danger, globefishes inflate to frighten their aggressors. In fact, they accumulate some water in their oesophagus until taking a spherical shape.


    Objet de Curiosité, which collates antiques treasures around the world and using high quality elegant display to make them into decorative pieces, was born in 2001 from the combined passions of Lilau and Pierre-Emmanuel Grange-Jaricot. The story all began with a boundless passion for nature and its curiosities.

    As a child, Pierre-Emmanuel raised beetles and searched for fossils, recording their names on small labels. Over time and as they traveled, they began to put together their very own cabinet of curiosities. Back in 2001, their intuition told them to draw upon this world that can sometimes be repulsive and imbued with beliefs, and to bring to life this passion for rare objects with stories to tell.

    Lilau took these extraordinary objects out of the museum context and found a way of creating these remarkable interior design objects.

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